Sunday, April 08, 2007

Change of its a Broken Social Scene post

So I just spent a bunch of time on a post when my browser decided to close from now on I guess I'm saving drafts. But I'm changing artists that I'm posting about because I just can't stop listening to this song by Broken Social Scene called 'Anthems For a Seventeen Year Old Girl'. Yes, the song title does seem like something I wouldn't listen to but its good. Check it out on their myspace:, its the second song down on their music player

Did you listen to it? Its infectious. Over and over, I can't stop listening to it. Its off the album 'You Forgot it in People', I haven't listened to it yet but I'm going to really soon. All I know about this band is I got a burned CD of theirs from a friend a a year or two ago and it bounced off my face but this time I think I caught the bug...I was just looking at a friend's myspace profile and this song was playing and it got to me.

Here's what they look like in the supermarket:
I like how that one guy is jumping.

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