Sunday, April 08, 2007

I'm back?!?

OK, so I'm kinda one of those people that finds new music and lets other people in on it like its some kind of secret(I know people with broader musical tastes but whatever, I'm not trying to be the best). Since I've had a few people ask me about how or where I find music I've decided to use this blog I created/abandoned last fall to document my musical meanderings and let people know what I've been up to. Think of it as my musical journal. I'm not trying to compete with MP3Blogs and probably won't do much if any MP3 posting just 'cause I don't know how. I'm just gonna be here if you ever need some new ideas of some good music to get into. That's my only criteria, the music has to be good, doesn't matter if its new or cool or not, just good.

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