Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Regina Spektor - oh hell yes

So different people have different ideas about how to write a blog about music...the most popular thing to do is to try and find the newest coolest most indie band and tell everybody about them. Or some people find really obscure stuff from the past. I figure I'll just rant about whatever I'm really feeling at the moment, even if most people already know about it, and today that means I'm talking about Regina Spektor. Because she's awesome.

I've decided she has alot in common with Andre 3000 from Outkast. Not so much visually as lyrically. See, they're the only two songwriters I can think of off hand that actually tell little jokes as part of their stories. Whether its Andre 3000 talking about how a girl looks like a brown stallion on roller skates or Regina talking about how everybody said "eww" when a guy stepped in a big fat loogie, the absurdity of humor in the music changes it a little bit. Its a literary tool most writers are smart enough not to attempt but for some its so natural that it would take effort to remove it, and for Regina Spektor its just part of her style. Its one of those things you can't talk about too much without ruining it so I'll just say I like it.

Regina Spektor - Fidelity (and a little interview)

Moral of the story: Regina Spektor = really good songwriter. Sovet Kitsch = really good album. Begin to Hope = really good album.
At her homepage you can stream some songs and watch videos and such.

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